Discover! Creative Careers Week at 3 Mills Studios – 19th November 2019
3 Mills Studios welcomed 59 young people from 6 schools and colleges into their studio campus this week to inspire them to consider a career in the creative industries.
The visit was part of Discover! Creative Careers Week which has been backed by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in England and is designed to find and encourage new talent for the country’s booming creative industries.
The day comprised of two separate sessions involving an introduction to the programme by Kay Verdon of ScreenSkills, a panel of experienced past and present crew including Andy Gent (Head Puppet Maker on Wes Anderson’s ‘Isle of Dogs’ and Owner of Arch Model Studio), Anna Goodridge (currently Unit Production Manager on 3 Mills series ‘The Great’, and previously Production Manager on ‘The Crown’ Series 3), Kirsten Eller (most recently Co-Producer on ‘Giri/Haji’) and Jonathan Isles (Co-owner of One Stop Films) talking about their craft and entry routes into the industry. This was followed by a behind-the-scenes visit to the set of one of 3 Mills’ longest running production tenants – MasterChef.
The Creative Careers Programme delivery partners, Creative & Cultural Skills, ScreenSkills and the Creative Industries Federation said: “Giving young people an insight into the many jobs available in sectors such as Film & TV is invaluable because we know that there are many roles that people have no idea exist. It is difficult to contemplate a career you don’t even know about. We are immeasurably grateful to all those companies and organisations including 3 Mills Studios who have taken the time and effort to open young people’s eyes to the opportunities and are inspiring the next generation of talent.”
Whilst offering some excellent guidance, Anna Goodridge explained to our guests “I was in your position just 16 years ago… I came from a small town and I just knew I wanted to be on the TV or behind the scenes somehow, but I didn’t have a clue how to do it…”, reflecting the importance of this programme for young people starting out.
An estimated forty thousand young people aged 11+ are expected to make visits to creative businesses this week as part of Discover! Creative Careers Week from 18-22 November 2019. Employers opening their doors range from advertising agencies, film studios, theatres, architect practices, museums, heritage properties, libraries, design studios and many more.
The Discover! week is one strand of the Creative Careers Programme, an industry-led programme which consists of a number of practical and sustainable activities including a brand-new online creative careers finder discover.creativecareers, training about jobs in the creative industries for careers advisers, a programme of speaking events in schools and work experience opportunities.
The Creative Careers Programme aims to raise awareness of employment opportunities in the sector, reaching more than 160,000 students by 2020. It is hoped that around two million young people will be able to access better advice about pursuing a creative career. The programme was a commitment made by the government and industry leaders as part of the Government’s industrial strategy, championed and supported by the Creative Industries Council.
Twitter: @CreativeCareer5 #DiscoverCreativeCareers

Notes to editors:
Creative & Cultural Skills works to create a fair and skilled cultural sector by shaping skills, education and employment best practice. We provoke action and enable learning opportunities that drive change and help to build an inclusive skilled sector by:
- informing and helping the sector respond to changes in the technical education system
- helping employers see the benefits of an inclusive workforce
- improving understanding and awareness of the career options across the cultural sector, in turn feeding new talent into the workforce
- supporting the sector to continue on a course of economic growth and meet diversity ambitions
ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the UK’s screen industries – animation, film, games, television including children’s TV and high-end drama, VFX and immersive technology. We work across the whole of the country to ensure that UK screen has access now, and in the future, to the skills and talent needed for continued success.
The Creative Industries Federation is the independent body which represents, champions and supports the prosperity of the UK’s creative industries. Through our unique network of member organisations, our influential policy and advocacy work and our UK-wide events programme we bring together the many sectors that comprise our world-leading creative industries. We are stronger together. Through the combined expertise of our members we ensure that our sector is at the heart of political, economic and social decision-making.
3 Mills Studios is an iconic production destination in the heart of London’s most vibrant creative community. Situated on an attractive island oasis in East London, 3 Mills Studios is one of the most accessible studios in the UK with excellent transport links to central London. With 9 filming stages, 11 theatre spaces and over 75,000 sq. ft. of filming space, we have the facilities to fit the bill and help our clients create outstanding results.
For more information about the Creative Careers Programme, please contact:
Bonnie Smith, CCP Communications Manager, Creative & Cultural Skills 07551 837532
- on November 22, 2019